Pizza Cooking Methods

There are several pizza cooking methods you can explore – even at home! The introduction of home-versions of outdoor wood-fired and gas-fired pizza ovens has leveled the playing field. For about the same price as an outdoor BBQ grill, you can make a pizza the same way they are made in Naples, Italy!

Pizza cooking methods
There are several methods for cooking pizza – even at home!

Even without buying a pizza oven, there are a variety of pizza accessories that you can get your hands on for under $50 that will open up the doors for all manner of pizza cooking methods.

Don’t have an oven? Don’t have a yard? We have a solution for that too!

Indoor Oven

An indoor oven is probably the place to start your pizza journey. Provided your oven can get to 450°F and you’ve got at least a cookie sheet, you can make pizza today!

Canadian Pizza in the oven
Cooking in your indoor oven can produce fantastic homemade pizza, especially with the use of one or more accessories!

Indoor Oven Accessories

You can certainly elevate your indoor pizza game with the addition of a couple of inexpensive accessories: the pizza stone, the pizza pan, and/or the pizza steel.

Pizza Stone

For most, the pizza stone is the best investment you can make for an indoor oven pizza. This is a stone or ceramic slab that you put in the bottom of your oven. It gets baked up to temperature while your oven is preheating and really allows the bottom of the pizza to cook thoroughly because of the direct heat.

We have been using this pizza stone for over 10 years and it’s never left the oven except to clean it. Just don’t use soap! Only baking soda and water – and even those in moderation.

Pizza stone

Pizza Pan

This is basically the pan that made Pizza Hut famous. So it’s with good reason that it has a place here! Be it a “coupe” pan (which is a round shallow pan with a lip), a deep dish pan (like Pizza Hut uses), even ones that are perforated with holes or with a screen. We love the GoodCook AirPerfect which is just $15.

GoodCook AirPerfect Pizza Pan
The GoodCook AirPerfect Perforated Pizza Pan has served us well for over 10 years.
Coupe Pizza Pan
And this is the same GoodCook brand’s Coupe Pizza Pan.

Pizza Steel

The pizza steel is much like a cookie sheet in how it looks but it’s better to compare it to a pizza stone. Its big advantage is that because it’s metal, it absorbs and transfers heat much more quickly than a pizza stone. Like a pizza stone, you still need to preheat the steel in the oven and transfer (launch) your pizza onto it.

Primica Pizza Steel
The Primica Pizza Steel is a great option if you’d prefer to go with a steel instead of a stone.

Indoor Alternatives for Pizza Cooking Methods

Guess what – you don’t even need an oven! There are a number of pizza cooking devices that plug into your wall outlet and will cook your pizza effectively. Varying from about $40 for a Betty Crocker Countertop Pizza Maker to the Ooni Volt Electric indoor oven, even if you’re in a New York apartment without an oven at all, there are options to allow you to show Ray’s Pizza who’s boss!

Betty Crocker Pizza Maker
The Betty Crocker indoor pizza oven is basically a two-sided pancake maker and can deliver excellent homemade pizza for about $40!
Ooni Electric Pizza Oven
The gamechanger for homemade indoor pizza is the Ooni Volt. At $1,000, it’s a vastly different price point but delivers fantastic pizzas!

Outdoor Pizza Oven

The outdoor pizza oven is the champion of home pizza cooking methods. With options that allow wood-fired, gas-fired, or in some cases both, you’re going to have a blast! Outdoor pizza ovens can come at a more (or much more) premium price point, so you’ll want to spend some time contemplating the option that’s best for you, so please check out our thoughts on this!

Short answer though, is we really love our Solo Stove Pi!

Cooking in a wood-fired outdoor pizza oven.
The kiln-style outdoor pizza oven is what the professionals use. If you’ve got the yard space and the patience to get it up to temperature, you’re going to love the result. You can even cook a loaf of bread at the end!

If you’ve got a home pizza oven, you can make your own Neapolitan Margherita pizza fit for a queen!

The Pizza Peel & Pizza Turner

Several of these methods require delivering your pizza safely into and out of your oven. A pizza peel is a really key element for doing this!

Floured pizza peel

You may also really benefit from investing in another item – the pizza turner. A turner that’s perforated at the bottom can help let moisture escape from the bottom of the crust during the turn. Ooni’s pizza turner is a great option, with a nice long handle to keep your hands safe!

Ooni perforated pizza turner.